
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

2012 thus far...

Ok so I do realize that I have not posted anything for quite sometime. Sorry. I know this is what you really look for when you find yourself in cyberspace and have run out things to do. So let's getcha all caught up so you might know exactly how awesome my life is right now.  K? K.

January. So Christmas eve I found out I no longer had a job to go back to after having my little guy. Awesome. So this month was filled with lots and lots of job hunting.

February. I got a job! I now work at Starbucks. Yes. I have wanted to work here for such a long time. I knew I would save money on coffee while making more money. It's a win-win really. Although this does mean that I have to wake up almost every morning at 3am thus forcing me to be a morning person. For those of you that know me know I had a hard time getting up at 7 for school...
My first week there was also the same week Dustin's mom came to town. This was my first time meeting Dustins mom! Big deal. Nice lady. We went to Blackhawk and I learned how to play roulette. I won $9. Yup. I'm a pro.

Now this is a big one for us! 

WE ROLLED OVER!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah. He's movin' up in the world. Now he can roll to the store for me when needed. Super helpful.
Also, Neal and Camille came out to visit! We love when they come visit because they are so awesome and helpful. Camille is super at giving advice! Cooking, decorating, make-up removal, you name it! Neal is amazing because he's the reason we got our beautiful couches delivered when they told us there was no way they would fit! :) Gavin loves them because they are his super fun god-parents and they are going to give him a super fun cousin to play with! So yeah. They are kinda a big deal.
We also went to Winter Park and Dustin got to ride for the first time this season. But I was not feeling too well that week. Lame, I know.
Oh yeah and that brings me to one more, or two things. We got a new place in Lakewood. We got new furniture to put in it so that's cool. And Gavin got a new toy that he thinks is the bees knees.
Yup. Bees Knees.
So all in all this little family is keeping busy with work and getting ready for this coming summer. Gavin can't wait to try out the pool, go for a hike and just enjoy this beautiful state!